Wednesday, October 26, 2005


What are you longing for? Do you ever have a sense that you can't quite reach whatever it is? Maybe you don't even know what it is.

My heart is longing these days. For what? I'm not exactly sure. A deeper relationship with God? Maybe. But that is so vague. What do I want from that relationship? Why am I longing for it?

Perhaps it's just friendship that I desire. My husband is incomparably my best friend and I have other dear friends literally around the world. I do sometimes wish for the neighbor-friend relationship I left in Georgia. But I recognize that was a special gift from God that can never be repeated.

But there is still something more that I’m longing for. Let's see if I can describe it.

I see a triangle. A three dimensional equilateral triangle. I guess that would make it a pyramid. Geometry is not my strength. Ok, at the top point is God. The rest of the triangle(s) consists of God's creation. Every person and thing in the pyramid knows and fully understands God’s supremacy as well as knowing that without him we all are just a formless mass.

Do you see it? God brings unity and purpose to the formless mass. The people and things that make up that mass understand their significance to the structure. They don’t try to reach the top - that’s God’s spot. All the rest of the spots are equally significant with each other in the formation of the pyramid.

Pyramids are fascinating. Although it is the shape that draws one’s attention, it’s the stuff inside and the question of “how’d they do that?” that is most intriguing.

Here’s an interesting site on pyramids:

What’s my point? - No pun intended. I feel like part of a formless mass. I want to know that I’m part of the pyramid. A pyramid not built by human hands and human reasoning.

I’m in search of a living pyramid whose only focus is to lean toward the top point and for the sides to lean on each other. A group of individuals who are more concerned with the formation of the mass than with their own personal formation. A body that encourages others to climb on top of them so we, together, can be a visible form in this world – causing people to look to the point. The point of our pyramid. The point of being.

I don’t think I’m alone in this search. I sense there are many who desire the same experience. The question that I have yet to answer is similar to the question historians have about ancient pyramids of Egypt. It seems like an enormous task. Far beyond our current human knowledge. So, how is the pyramid built?

I don’t have the answer but a good starting place is an interview with God.

The Interview With God
from the "Get Inspired Now Team"

Monday, October 03, 2005


“So a course was fixed and a start was made.” The Hare and the Tortoise

“Let us keep on running the race marked out for us.”
Hebrews 12:1 (NIrV)

“God Time[1] with the kids this week is on determination. My 3rd grader quickly applied this thought to a book report due this week and a pioneer project due next week. For my daughter, well – she’s 100% girl, we applied it to getting out the door for school this morning.

The 53 words offered in this little devotional where packed with challenge. To avoid copyright issues I’ll not type them out but the essence is determination requires only two things: first decide, then do.

How do we decide? Hebrews 12:2 says “We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus.”

The Passion of the Christ movie opened my eyes to the meaning of the word passion. It is easy to claim we are passionate about something when we are applauded for our efforts. One of my biggest fears/frustrations is being misunderstood. I want others to grasp my passion or at least understand it enough to appreciate my efforts.

Hebrews 12:2 goes on to say “He [Jesus] was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward.”

We know that Jesus agonized at Gethsemane (Matthew 26:26-42) over his upcoming death. One of my favorite lines in The Passion of the Christ is just before Jesus is flogged. He says “my heart is ready.”

His focus was on God’s will not on his physical circumstances. I must remind myself of that. I must decide before I do. For determination to carry me through, I cannot focus on my current position. My focus must be on the goal – the path Christ has set before me.

The Tortoise decided from the beginning to make it to the finish line. The Hare took off and decided along the way to take a nap.

Are you determined? What is your goal? Where is your focus? Are your eyes fixed on the author and perfecter of your faith or on the people and circumstances around you? Do you decide before or after you do?

Be determined - act based on your decisions. The path can get rough. Making decisions along the way will greatly affect your finish.

Now it's time for me to determine to clean house. That definitely requires focusing on the goal.

[1] Children’s Ministry material from 252Basics

the mission:
PROCLAIM the good news; HEAL the sick and oppressed; BRING JUSTICE
~ Luke 4:16-20

Anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing (John 14:12)
~ Jesus 

Copyright 2005-2010 Lisa Biggs Crum
Email for reprint permission